Friday, 10 February 2012

A Little Part of Me Died Inside

So my ex posted this on Facebook today (technically it was his housemate but this is not relevant).

So as an English student (albeit one with a tendency to mercilessly mock and belittle revered works of literature) I had a sense of humour fail. Because this guy is clearly an idiot, who has (likely) never actually read Jane Austen. The assumption of idiocy can also be applied to "Samantha"s comment, which reads kind of like it should be followed by high pitched squeeing. 

This, however, did not make me die inside. The reason I lament so is because, on the Facebook link, someone had written "i LOVE Jane Austen :)" underneath. The lower case personal pronoun and smiley face gave me reservations about the background of the sentiment, but nonetheless it is one I largely share. I (naturally) followed this comment with some kind of obnoxious and pedantic comment about Jane Austen being "unrealistic" on purpose for satiric effect. To which Smiley-face-grammar-fail replies with the following.

"Lol but its actually got fundamental truths and is the basis for modern romance. The unrequented love n the obnoxious guy becomes nice :)"

Yeah. A little part of me died inside.

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